Tuesday, May 19, 2015


This is a subject I've played with before, based on a prompt at "Every Inchie Monday." You can see how far off-base I got the last time here.
This time, however, I got kind of political/outspoken--like THAT never happens!--and for the TwobyTwo challenge, "wildfire" was the word of the day, today. I may have scared some people off by my commentary, but I hope that's not the case.
I chose the particular prompt because it hits very close to home.

These are my official responses to the 2x2:
Forest Fire
Zentangle Inspired Art (ZIA) on Canson pastel paper
Sampson, Meringue and CO2
On Account of Fire
Collage of Ephemera
Accounting ledger, Magazines, Dictionary and Pastel paper
I've seen some of the work that has come in for this challenge and it thrills me to see the artwork in my inbox. Please take the time to check out the art created for the Two by Two by Tuesday challenge and perhaps? consider participating, too!
I'll be getting to all the other drawings and all that I've been working on....I have to scan a bunch of "stuff" first! Have a brilliant day!


  1. I like your twinchies, great work

    1. Thank you, Freebird! My drawings pale in comparison to your beadwork--which is absolutely fab. Have a brilliant day! c

  2. I'm not sure I exactly know what a Twinchie is, but "fire" certainly seems to have gotten your attention. That might have something (a lot) to do with where you live. Here in Center City Philadelphia, I don't worry much about wild fires. We just worry about catastrophic train derailments in residential neighborhoods. I think you managed to channel your obvious angst about wild fire into very credible art.

    1. Thank you, Suzanne. While thoughts of fire don't keep me up nights, it does give me pause. Once went on a trip and came back to a fire, one of considerable devastation only a mile away. Never got closer, but close enough. We are saddened by the train wreck--my parents grew up in Philly and they know where that all went down. So sorry.
      As for a twinchie--that's just a two-inch sized art; you'd know it perhaps by "Bijou.' Have a brilliant day! c
