Thursday, July 31, 2014

Brand new blog!

I have been thoroughly enjoying being engaged to the Zentangle community and the many permutations and off-shoots I have found. I have found much joy and collective creative spirit that has overflowed into all spaces of my life. Thus a new blog is born!

There are also my other pursuits that will hopefully show up: photography, gardening, needlework of all flavors, travel and family. I will extoll those who are virtuous by protecting the identity of the innocents and blatantly flaunt those who make me proud!
[Disclamer: wait until I become a grandmother! I'll be unbearable.]

I've posted some art here:

My Flickr Doodle Gallery

and some great artists and tanglers have already found me there. I thank everyone for taking time to view and critique my work. I hope to channel some of that creative energy for bettering my crafts and inspiring others (now there's a tall order!)

Have a brilliant day!

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