Friday, September 11, 2015

The Other Ear

I just had to try another ear; the concept just begs to be heard, doesn't it? HA! Spurred on by yesterdays comments, I had to work through this one. It's a twinchie, not an inchie!

LOGIC is the new SEXY
Zoe, this one's for YOU! Whaddya think?!

And I got busy with some Zentangles and finally scanned in some "stuff." Oh, boy! What a day!
First was the Diva's Challenge to use the new Can T tangle. It vaguely reminds me of a bunch of other choices, but...let's stick to the plan, shall we? [NB: I am what happens when AD meets OC; an alphabet soup of disorders!]
Diva 234
What CanT Can do!
It didn't really do what I was willing it to do, and you know what happens when you even ATTEMPT to make a tangle do your bidding! At least I was willing to show my work, just like I had to in Calculus class. Talk about back to school!
Then it's the String Thing:
IAST 109
It's a Bug's Life

In between, I drew one JUST FOR FUN! Whaddya think about THAT?!

Standing Room Only
And the crowd goes wild!

(If you can't get enough of this, check out the rest of the work I've posted on my Flickr page.)
Thanks for spending some of your very valuable time here with me. It's always appreciated.


  1. Loooove your CanT tile :-) I haven't completed the Diva challenge yet this week but I have posted for It's A String Thing and my Morfs were partying too lol here's the link if you wanna peek!

  2. Thank you so much Rose...I checked out your link and you've done a nice job of the String Thing...thanks for the preview! I'm just going to have to "do" Pinterest one of these day! c

  3. Like Rose I love your challenge tile. The others are beautiful as well.

  4. I love your standing room only tile, especially the way you did the footlights

  5. I love the way your sense of humour shines through all these pieces. Excellent.

  6. Your CanT tile is so beautifully composed, and the soft gray shading adds that third "color" that really makes it! I also really love the Standing Room Only! I'd say you have a theater background, right? Nice work all around!

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  11. You are so funny. I love reading your posts. Your tangles are lovely, but, I must say that I used to have the biggest crush on Spock, ears and all! Always went for the tall, skinny, intellectual types. (So, how come I'm married to a short, roundish Texan, who reads adventure books?)
