Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Salmon on the Brain

This is a dangerous thing to do: research ideas for Every Inchie Monday. I've been starting the brainstorming on Sundays so I have ideas brewing before the actual Monday challenge. Sooo...the word of the day was "salmon." My first thought was FOOD (funny, that!), processing the thought that we're all supposed to eat three servings a WEEK for heart health. Like THAT is going to happen!!

I picked up the September issue of Woman's Day magazine to see what their dinner meal calendar had for salmon entrees, and there was only one for the whole month, a recipe for salmon burgers.
Fair enough, canned salmon is ALMOST affordable, but I'm still not going to cook salmon this week. What I'm going to do with that and a slew of other food images from the magazine is to make a collage for my brother and his wife, a chef, as a Christmas prezzie. But not today.

Then, I Googled "salmon" to see what I might gather there. There were the fishies, but there was also a section on the color "salmon," that peachy-pink color. I clicked on that section and I came across photos of roses. My forever favorites are named, "Sonia," a true all-over salmon colored rose, but I could not find very good images of those, so I looked for flowers that resembled Sonias. I had two ideas in mind from there--either pick up paint chips at Home Depot to collage (which did not happen, but another idea I need to revisit) or tangle a line drawing of a rose, which I've seen elsewhere to amazing effect.

Which is NOT what happened here. My attempt looked more like a Peter Max drawing, so I'm calling this challenge done and WAY off base. This is what my brain looks like on "salmon." YIKES!

Thanks for visiting this bizarre travel through salmon and make sure to see all the beautiful work that the other participants are doing at EIM. I am grateful for the opportunity to challenge the grey matter.
Have a brilliant, salmon-colored day!


  1. After all that research I'm not surprised your brain was fried! Which funnily enough reminds me that I fried the piece of salmon that we had for supper, bought cheap so don't worry!


    1. Thanks, Sally! Ya never know where your travels may take you, yes?! I've never had fried salmon, but I must try it sometime. Have a brilliant day! c

  2. I must say that I love that you thought outside the box and I love the tangled rose, salmon colored day? kinda like looking thru salmon colored glasses? ll, well anyways I love the route you took. great job!

    1. Thank you, I'll let you know if I revisit this idea. The journey may be no less strange, but the outcome may be more in keeping with what I had in mind at the start! Have a brilliant day! c

  3. Some days are just like that. Every week can't be a winner. However, we had salmon colored roses in our yard when I was a child and I enjoyed that your post brought back that beautiful memory for me.

  4. Aww, Jean, I'm glad I could help with the memory-keeping. And yes, Mom told me there would be days like these. She didn't say they'd become more frequent! HA! Have a brilliant, sunny Arizona day! c
