Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Do any of you crazy people remember a cartoon on Sesame Street with Margaret; she ran around saying, "M. M. M. M. M. M. M."
No? Then, I'm sure that I'm a LOT older than you are. If you DO, lie about your age, please?!
Well, that's what's bouncing around in my head while I've been working on some mandala challenges. Krishna of Her Sketches blog took up the challenge of creating weekly templates from which to draw. Here are a few from the first two weeks and then my response to this week's MM3.

 Okay, this one I indulged in a little Photoshop action, including dropping in a full moon!
This one reminds me of a lotus flower
Check out Krishna's blog and see what she and others are doing and join in the fun. I've been having my share; don't want you to miss out!


  1. Haaa! Yes! MM3, already published and all. It's beautifully done. Your center part is really allive with movement and the details are great. I always have difficulties with the center part. Bravo!
